Northumbria & Sunderland AHRC CDT Event

I have been invited to speak at Northumbria & Sunderland Universities AHRC CDT Event on the 25/7/17. The invitation came out of the blue via Dawn Bothwell who is part of Sunderland’s CRUMB research faculty. I met Dawn while presenting at blip blip blip earlier this year for the what is a studio and how do we use one symposium (6/2/17) while talking as part of Shift/Work. 

The focus of the AHRC CDT event is the relationship between practice and research. Whilst this is a broad topic there is a spread of speakers who will be approaching this from different perspectives focusing on their own research practices, including Katharina Ludwig who has recently joined ECA as a PhD student.

Having given the event theme consideration I have outlined a talk that emphasizes the workshop as a environment that enacts research through artistic practices. I only have 10 minutes to present (leading to open discussion) so I suspect the talk will have to be delivered as an overview of my position on workshops in relation to the themes of practice and research.

I feel the talk outline will be handy when writing an introduction to the research in my thesis report. I am feeling more confident condensing and clarifying how the research is communicated at this point, compared to even a year ago. It has been productive to consider the dynamic of learning and the production of knowledge, what types of learning are present in the is process and how this might impact on future learning.

Talk Outline:

Collectively Producing Knowledge

Within practice-based research the workshop holds open a vital and practical space/time between the studio and the humanities. The workshop’s paragogic nature allows us to collectively negotiate the production of artistic knowledge, learning from one another in this process through forms of embodied, distributed, and extended cognition. In this sense, the workshop facilitates a metacognitive engagement with otherwise under-considered practices of artistic learning and research. It is an environment that help us to question the epistemological boundaries of knowing and not-knowing, enabling us to query what could be learnt, how might it be learnt, and when these practices – and the knowledges they produce – could be most usefully employed.

For the AHRC CDT Event Jake will present a short overview of these concepts, drawing on his own practice-led research into workshops within artistic learning to pose questions regarding the production of practice-based knowledge and how we can learn from it.

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