Paradox & Provocative Pedagogies Conference Papers & Slides

At the bottom of this post I have embedded two PDFs that include my slides and paper notes from Paradox 2017 ‘For, About, Nearby: The value of diversity and difference in Fine Art practice, research and education’ which was held in London at Conway Hall in September; and ‘Provocative Pedagogies: Performative Teaching and Learning in the Arts’ hosted at the University of Lincoln in October.

Thanks to Naomi Garriock for capturing me mid-intro at Provocative Pedagogies

Both events were timely opportunities for me to formalize and communicate elements of chapters I am developing for my thesis submission. For Paradox, my paper was titled ‘Shift/Work: Unlearning, A Paragogy for Not-Knowing’, and for Provocative Pedagogies ‘MVSE: Workshops as Performative Environments for Artistic Learning’. These papers come from my 2nd & 3rd chapters respectively, both are attempts to identify and articulate the varying forms of cognition involved in workshop learning, using examples from my own solo workshop practice and my work as part of Shift/Work to unpack how these approaches to learning can be composed and performed.

Jake Watts Paradox Slides & Talk Notes

Jake Watts Provocative Pedagogies Slides & Talk Notes

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